Publications and Conferences


Ways to Wander the Gallery , edited by Qualmann C &  Hind C 2018,- entry 19, Listen to the River, Triarchy Press

Billinghurst H., Hind C., Smith P., 2020. ‘Walking Bodies Papers, Provocations, Actions’ Triarchy Press  Walking Bodies  – entry Quipu

Penfold E , 2021 A Different LENS – FInal Major Project , MA Falmouth University, Research Gate ,

Margate Bookie Zine , The Open Arms 2022, edited  J Brown entry Bienvenidos Reclaiming Magical Thinking through Threads , Penfold E

Salt , 2022, poetry entries, Penfold E  published by Art Walk Porty,

Intertidal Calligraphy, 2022 Penfold E and East Kent Mencap, preface by Northall L., published by Park Press.  Starting with narratives provided by existing CITiZAN1 heritage walks in Whitstable and Ramsgate, Intertidal Calligraphy invited participants to access these trails through poetry, creative materials and diverse forms of storytelling. In particular, this included the Quechuan use of ropes and knot tying as an expression of narrative form. Now in the collection of the National  Poetry Library at the Southbank Centre.

Lets Count ,2023, a photo journal with walks and poetry for Walking with Ghosts. Developed in collaboration with local artists, community groups, schools and arts organisations. It was part of the  edited and published by Thread and Word


4WCoP 2024, ‘Heritage and Hiraeth’ psychogeopgraphy conference ,Canterbury Christchurch University, September  2024

Art Memory + Activism, Panel performance of  Art Memory Activism + Environment  Newcastle University June 2023

Walkings New Encounters – Plymouth , Are You Listening? , a provocation including a walking soundscape and Quipu making workshop, November 2019

The After lives of Protest Conference ,People’s History Museum, Manchester, panel discussion about memory and documenting work September 2019

Playing a Part , Kent University, Inside Out Conference,  participative workshop on autism and stemming and an exhibition of works made through knotting  August 2019

The fourth World Psychogeography Conference Huddersfield University, a walking workshop and labyrinth with the artist and writer Sonia Overall in the Louth Valley, September 2018

Beyond the Pedestrian – Liverpool University,  Walking Environments and Performance; A performative Walk with Thread and Word, July 2018,